4 Fun Facts About Humpback Whales You Need To Know Before Your Whale Watching Adventure

Cabo San Lucas is one of the world’s most popular destinations for whale watching.  This is largely due to the rise in the numbers of humpback whales in the Cabo region.  While activities like whale hunting and factors like ocean pollution has affected the whale population across the globe. Cabo remains a popular breeding ground for humpback whales, in fact, their population continues to grow in the region.

Before you embark on your whale watching adventure, here are four fun facts about humpback whales that will enhance your experience.

Fun fact #1: Humpback whales have the longest “arms” in the animal world

It may surprise you to find that humpback whales have the longest “arms” in the world. Well, technically they don’t have arms; they have pectoral fins (flippers). The size of the humpback whales pectoral fins eclipses any other species, even the largest whales in the world – the blue whale. Their fins have irregular edges that allow them to maneuver smoothly underwater.

Fun fact #2: Humpback whales are massive

While humpback whales may not make the top five of the largest whales in the world, they’re still absolutely enormous. Newborn humpback whales weigh nearly 1 ton and are 15 feet long. They can grow up to 52 feet and weigh nearly 45 tons. Their gigantic size allows them to fend off the few predators that dare to prey on them.

Fun fact #3: Humpback whales can sing

As whales are social animals, they communicate in various ways, one of which is singing elaborate songs. Studies have revealed that the noises that humpback whales make are true songs. Each song can last for hours and may travel across vast distances underwater, due to its low frequency. These songs are considered to be incredibly complex and it was revealed that only male humpback whales have the ability to sing.

Fun fact #4: Humpback whales love showing off

This is what makes whale watching an incredible experience. Humpback whales love theatrics and perform dramatic leaps out of the water with their whole body for no apparent reason! They also have the ability to swim on their back with their flippers in the air which makes for an incredible viewing experience.

If you’re looking for luxury yachts in Cabo San Lucas that offer whale-watching tours, you’re at the right place. We’re one of the premier boat rentals in Cabo San Lucas and aim to provide the ultimate yachting experience. For more information, contact us at 624-168-9544!

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