4 Tips for the Perfect Sailing Vacation with Children

Perfect Sailing Vacation

Being a parent is a job with the most responsibility—no other job in the world can compare. Taking care of your kid’s safety is imperative, but it shouldn’t restrict you from having a good time with your family. A sailing trip can turn out to be exciting and educational for your kid, and they can learn a little something about nature and life on the sea.

If you’ve been putting away that family trip for a while now, get ready to hit the waters of Cabo! With these tips, you’re sure to have a great time with your children while ensuring their safety on board:  

Safety first!

Before anything else, you should consider how to make the trip safe for your children. Pack small-sized life jackets, safety nets, and medicines for flu, headache, and seasickness.

Talking to your children before getting on board will help ease any nervousness that they may have. Remember, kids can be clumsy and impulsive, so make sure to keep an eye on them during the trip to avoid any injury. Tell them that running onboard is a big no-no.

Entertain them

As you already know, kids can get bored pretty quickly. To keep them entertained on board, consider engaging them in games. You can either take along some board games, coloring books, or create original activities while onboard.

While a sailing trip is a perfect getaway from screen time, a short movie or a mobile game can be useful for the downtime during sails. You can also make your kids feel important by giving them small duties on board, such as tying the knots ore helping you arrange the food.

Take short routes

Seasickness is real; you wouldn’t want to alarm your children with a full weekend of sailing. In the beginning, it’s smart to plan shorter trips. This way, your children can get used to the sea, and you can figure out what works for both of you on board.

Rent a catamaran with friends

It’s always a good idea to go sailing with friends. Besides, if they have children, you can ensure that your kids will always have company. And if not, they can always pitch in to keep your children entertained. Renting out a catamaran with your friends can give you privacy while ensuring that you still have assistance.

A medium-sized catamaran can accommodate two families of 5 and give you the option of renting a separate hull for your family. Moreover, catamarans are steady in water and don’t heel over quickly, making the ride suitable for children who may not enjoy the occasional tilting of a boat. 

Looking to rent a yacht for your family trip? Hit us up at Cabo Yacht World. We offer various types of private catamaran boat charters for rent in Cabo, San Lucas. For more information, talk to our representative at 011 521 624 168 9544.

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