6 Tips For A Great Whale Watching Experience In Cabo

Whale watching is a surreal experience. You get to watch these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. It’s surely a thrilling experience, but you should understand what you are in for to get the best out of it. Here are some tips to help prepare you:

Choose A Reliable Company For A Whale Watching Tour

When booking any kind of tour, you need to do your research. No one wants to be overcharged when it comes to travel or given poor quality service.

Google is a great place to begin your hunt for the perfect tour company. Online reviews and client testimonials will help you understand the services provided better. You can then move to calling up tour operators to better explain what you are looking for. They will recommend the perfect package to suit your needs to give you the fun whale watching tour you are looking for.

Make sure you follow the guidelines communicated to you by the tour company to avoid any last minute delays or cancellations. You must allow enough time to stand in line and follow the SOP’s to the T. You want your experience to be memorable and fun; rushing around won’t let you have the experience you’re wishing for.

Keep An Eye On The Weather And Marine Forecast

The weather plays a vital role in your whale watching tour. You may like the idea of cruising rough seas but in reality, it’s not all that fun. It can be terrifying if it’s your first time and won’t be relaxing for sure. You could also suffer from seasickness if the waves are too rough for your liking.

Keep tabs on the weather in Cabo and the marine forecast. High winds or waves will mean you’re in for a rocky trip. It’s best to go whale watching on the calmest day. It maximizes your chance of seeing the whales.

Check Recent Sightings

guarantee whale sightings

Whale watching tours don’t guarantee whale sightings. Many factors affect whale activity in the area. It’s best to check recent sightings of whales to know which species you are likely to encounter and how many of them you will be able to see. Most companies offer all such information on their websites. You can also check websites of whale research organizations to be sure.

Dress And Pack For Sea

The ocean is 10° to 15° cooler than on shore. Showers are possible while on the trip as well as big splashes due to the whales. You must dress in warm layers and water-proof clothing that is sturdy. As for shoes, they must be rubber-soled. A rain jacket is a must on an overcast day, a hat that can be tied in place and plenty of sunscreen.

Take Care Of Motion Sickness Before The Tour Begins

Tour operators generally remind clients to pack motion sickness medication when they come whale watching.

If it’s your first time and you’re not quite sure how you’ll react, take a tablet half an hour to an hour before boarding the vessel. If you don’t take the medicine and end up feeling unwell, you’ll feel miserable and won’t be able to enjoy the tour.

Make sure the tablets you take are the non-drowsy ones. You don’t want to be asleep while the whales are awake!

Persistence Is Key When Taking Pictures

websites of whale watching tours

It’s important to remind people that the pictures seen in brochures or on websites of whale watching tours are taken after many attempts. Specialized equipment is used to capture the whales in action. When you are preparing to take pictures of the whales, be vigilant. They peek out of the water momentarily. Choose your camera settings accordingly.

Are you ready for Cabo whale watching season 2018? The winter months are ideal to watch great whales migrate to the warm waters of Cabo San Lucas. Book a private boat whale watching tour today! Cabo Yacht World offers its 32 Bayliner is fully equipped to give you the best experience ever.

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