Leisure in the Time of Coronavirus

It’s safe to say that tensions across the world are rising as health concerns from the COVID-19 are materializing. Educational institutes across the world have shifted to online classes, while employees are being told to work from home.

However, governments and health organizations are monitoring the situation globally. Necessary precautions are being made so that the spread is limited. Thus, it’s best not to let panic overcome you during trying times.

Mental Health is Real Health

It’s important to take into account that mental health can suffer greatly under isolation. Even if you don’t have preexisting mental health concerns, extended periods of quarantine can make you feel down. Constantly receiving news of the spread of the virus can also create feelings of worry and anxiety.

It’s important to assess your mental health and take breaks from the barrage of news about the pandemic. Mental health professionals have taken note of pandemic related concerns with mental wellbeing. Some problems that may arise are obsessive cleaning or hoarding, social media anxiety and in extreme cases, psychosis.

How Do I Stay Calm?

Check in with people you’re self-quarantining with and have honest discussions about your mental health. Try doing breathing exercises every day or do some gentle yoga.

If you see a mental health therapist every week, you can ask them if you can have call sessions instead.

If you have your own car and your place of residence is not on lockdown, you could go for a drive to breathe in some fresh air or get away from the four walls of the house. Just remember to refrain from touching your face and wash your hands when you get home. If you have alternative safe ways to get away, you should explore those options.

Combining Pleasure with Precaution

It might seem like the wrong time to do leisure activities or to enjoy yourself but it’s important to be realistic. You cannot control how this global issue is going to pan out. What you can control is your own mental health.

When things get better—and they will—consider going on a retreat of sorts, like sailing out to the ocean.

It can sound strange but if you’re living somewhere like Cabo, make the drive to San Lucas, get out on a luxury yacht and don’t look back!

Cabo Yacht World will provide you sanitary yachts for affordable prices where you and your isolation mates can escape for a breather. If that’s something that interests you, check out our yacht listings here. You can also call us at 624-168-9544 or contact us here. We are committed to giving you the best time possible in stressful circumstances.

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