The Best Time to Go Whale Watching in Cabo San Lucas

Cabo, the land of vacationers is known for its breathtaking views. The clear waters make it a popular destination for A-list travelers.

Cabo is open to guests all year round as they get to enjoy the best weather here. Just as you thought Cabo couldn’t get any more perfect, the gorgeous waters are visited by a variety of species of whales. The most regularly spotted whale in the clear waters off the coast of Cabo is the Gray Whale but the most sought after species is the Humpback whale.

So when really is the best time to see these whales in all their glory?

Here’s what the experts have to say:

Humpback Whales

 Humpback Whales

If you’re out in Cabo especially to have a glimpse of the humpback whales then you must know that these whales are migratory in nature. They spend the warmer months in the north, in places like Alaska, British Columbia etc. they migrate to warmer climates like that experienced by Cabo, San Lucas. November is the migratory month for the humback whales. Adult whales are seen travelling though the waters of Cabo.

Gray Whale

 Gray Whale

One of the more common whales you can expect to see on a whale spotting journey is the Gray Whale. These too are migratory mammals. They can be seen in Cabo around January. Adult whales are seen in little groups till March, mostly near the coastline.

Did you know that even the timings you choose to take your whale spotting tour at affects the outcome? Depending on what time you book your tour at you could see more or less whales.

Early morning tours

Booking a tour in the early hours of the morning is a great idea for those who want a more relaxing tour. The water is calm at that time of the day with gentle winds and subtle waves. You get the best of both worlds, a calming boating experience and clearer waters to spot the whales. It’s a good idea to book such tours in the morning for guests who suffer from motion sickness or for families who are travelling with kids.

Mid day tours

Wind speeds typically pick up mid day, making for stronger waves. There is a bit more traffic at this time as more boats are on the go. On the bright side, your tour guides will have a much better idea of where to spot the whales. You can be sure to see more whales at this time of the day.

Afternoon Tours

This is the most happening time of the day. Whales tend to be the most active at this time, probably due to the picking up of wind and waves. The boat ride itself can be more eventful when the sun is in full throttle.

We at Cabo Yacht World provide 32 bayliners for whale watching in Cabo. If you have been looking for boat rentals Cabo that give you true value for your money, look no further!

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