All Aboard! Crucial Tips You Need to Know When Whale Watching with Kids

You’ve just booked a whale watching tour in Cabo San Lucas with Cabo Yacht World for your kids and you know they’re going to be practically bouncing off the wall with excitement.

But with your kids’ high energy levels and your lack thereof, you’re second guessing your choice. Should you have booked this tour, knowing how… energetic your kids can get?

Not to worry!

We know how excited children can get. And with a venue like a yacht, we’re extra careful in keeping our little guests safe.

Here are some basic safety tips that’ll keep you calm and your kids safe and happy!

– Pack Up for Comfort

Despite the warm season, it can get cold out there, so remember to pack a jacket and warm hats to keep them comfy. Socks and extra shoes are a must. Also, if your child is prone to motion sickness, it’s recommended that you bring some medication as well. You never know when the sea might turn rough.

– Tell them about the Details Beforehand

Keep in mind that it takes about ninety minutes to get to our destination. However, altogether, it can take around 4 hours for each excursion. And for a child who doesn’t have an adult’s attention span, things can get boring real quick.

If possible, talk about the ocean and the different types of whales they might see. If they’re not interested though, bring a tablet or a gamepad along so they don’t get bored.

– Don’t Guarantee You’ll See a Whale

Yes, whale watching tours are usually planned around the time when you might see whales. But keep in mind that whales are wild creatures. As such, a sighting might not always be guaranteed. So instead of putting the pressure on sighting a whale, try to focus on the experience of it all. The ocean breeze, the marine life, the family experience—that’s what you’ll remember later!

– Have a Backup

Like we said, sighting a whale isn’t always guaranteed. But if your kids have got their heart set on seeing one, you could always book a backup trip in case the first one doesn’t pan out. Plan it in the following month or the next year, whenever you decide, make sure to do your homework so you have better chances of sighting one.

sighting a whale isn’t always guaranteed

Get Ready!

Need some more info on what to bring along with you?

Contact us today!

As one of the best hosts for whale watching in Cabo, we can answer all your questions! Call us today at 011-521-624-168-9544.

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