Pack Like A Pro: What To Keep In Your Cruise Backpack

The fun and thrill of traveling comes at a price, which is more than just the cost of the trip: packing. Even the greatest enthusiasts can be struck by the gravest dilemma known to man: to put or not to put!

It’s a feat to decide on all the dresses you want to keep for your summer vacation, fitting them all in one bag and then zipping it up. No matter how insufficient your wardrobe may feel all the year round, new shoes and old jeans will spring up from the back of the closet and haunt you until the packing nightmare is over. Parting with your favorite straw hat or the tenth swim suit may feel heartbreaking at the time, but if you brave up for the task, you’ll thank us later for the tip.

You can only keep a limited number of things in your cruise backpack and this guide will help you pack everything you need without overloading.

Carry on Essentials

Never pack your toiletries and essential first-day clothes in your main luggage. Your cruise management will make sure to load your bags onboard but you won’t be able to access them until later in the day. Losing out on precious time and daylight because your belongings are lying idle in your bags is as unfortunate as it gets. If nothing else, keep a dinner dress, a bathing suit and essentials like sunscreen and lip balm in your carry on.

On To The Checked Luggage

A good tip for packing your luggage is to lay down all you want to take with you on the cruising trip on the bed. Make piles of tops, pants, dresses, shoes and bags separately. Once done, pick a handful from each pile and put the rest back in. We know it’s a trying test to leave behind some of your favorites but it’s for the best. Once you’re on the deck, you won’t even bother about leaving the party to go in for a change of clothes. It’s always about experiences more than appearances!

Check Up on the Dress Codes

It’s always best to check up on the dress codes for the formal events or any other particulars. It’s better to be prepared than regret packing the wrong outfits. It’s not necessary that the formal nights listed on the itinerary require dressing to the nines. A semi-formal dress may be just as well as a tuxedo or evening gown. If “resort casual” is a good enough attire for the dress codes, all you need is a button down, slacks, or a sundress.

Stock Your Toiletries

Stock Your Toiletries

If you have sensitive skin or follow a special hair routine, don’t risk relying on the toiletries that come in the package. Even though we do go an extra mile to put our guests at ease it’s impossible to address individual requests when there are so many people onboard. To avoid unpleasant breakouts and bad hair days on the cruise, pack all you need for hair and skin care in your carry on. Don’t forget to keep your curling rods and blow dryer to glam up your look for a special occasion or a photo shoot.

Our summer excursions out on the seas of Cabo San Lucas are the most promising opportunities for making memories. We offer luxury yacht charters that offer the extravagance of hotel stays with the adventure of being in the middle of the ocean. Get in touch for bookings.

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