Capture Your Whale Watching Adventure On Camera – 4 Whale Watching Photography Tips

Whale watching, if done right, can be one of the most memorable experiences of your life. Watching one of the world’s largest mammals up close in all its majesty is enough to make anyone’s eyes widen with disbelief.

The warm, rich waters of Cabo are home to the stunning humpback whales. Even though humpback whales are under threat of extinction, the population of whales around the Cabo region continues to grow.

If you’re going on a whale watching tour in Cabo, be prepared to take lots of photos of your once-in-a-lifetime experience. Follow these 4 whale watching photography tips to make sure you have an album to remember!

Be Prepared

Whale watching is an experience that most of us would feel lucky to have even once in our lives. So it’s important to make this trip count! Don’t make the amateur mistake of not keeping a spare battery for your camera and risk running out of power at a crucial time.

If you don’t have a spare battery, make sure your camera is fully charged so you can capture one striking shot after another!

You’re also advised to double check free space on your memory card to avoid the horror of the “Memory card full” notification while you’re setting up for the perfect whale photo.

Pack a camera instead of using your cell phone

hales move quickly

You can capture high quality photos with most cell phones these days, but for an adventure like this, packing a camera with a long-range lens will increase your odds of capturing a memorable shot. As whales move quickly, every second counts and that’s where your camera’s fast shutter speed will help you capture the action.

Stay ready and patient

Your whale watching tour could be 2 to 3 hours long depending on the tour company. Dedicate a portion of that duration for photography. In addition to packing your camera, remember to pack your patience as well! Whales are unpredictable creatures and you may have to wait a while before they surface.

Keep your eyes firmly on the water and your camera close to your eye. Just scan the area and hit the shutter button for a sequence of shots.

Enjoy the moment

Following these tips will help you create a wonderful album of your whale watching adventure but it’s important that you don’t spend the majority of your tour in pursuit of the perfect shot.

Whale watching is a once-in-a-lifetime experience so it’s important to put your camera down and let the moment sink in. The smell of the fresh, salty Cabo air, accompanied by the warmth of the sun and encounters with one of the biggest mammals on Earth is a memory you’ll cherish for the rest of your life.

If you’re looking for a private whale watching tour in Cabo San Lucas, we can help! Cabo Yacht World provides a variety of luxury yachts that are fully equipped with modern amenities to make your experience memorable. For more information, contact us at 624-168-9544!

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