Dressing For Cruising

The phrase dress according to occasion couldn’t be more fitting here!

When packing your bag for a yacht cruise trip, your wardrobe choices can vary from evening dresses to beach wear. All depends on what you have planned for in those few days.

If you’re invited to a wedding, there shouldn’t be any confusion regarding your attire. It would be inappropriate to wear a summer dress to a wedding reception. The obvious choice in this case is a formal dress, fit for a wedding.

But if you want to keep your cruise time jam-packed with water sports, fun activities and adventures, it is best to dress in your comfort attire. The best attire for an adventurous yachting experience is a breezy summer dress or shirt paired with comfortable lowers and trendy flip flops or casual footwear.

Here are all the fashion tips you need to dress best for the cruise.

Sun-bathing Mornings

Sun-bathing Mornings

If you want to begin your first day at sea basking in the sun at the deck, the usual beachwear is your go-to option!

Pair your sun bathing attire with a straw hat and sunglasses to finish off the look. Since we’re on the topic of deciding what to wear, don’t forget to wear loads of sun block and lather it on your skin just to avoid risking a sun burn!

Of course you want a nice olive tan and not the soreness of a burn.

Mid-day Wear

Mid-day Wear

Once you have enjoyed your fair share of the sun, it is best to opt for a change of attire.

Since the sun is still out and you don’t want to waste your time on board by spending it indoors, you can wear something that is neither too long nor too short. Why not enjoy the sun in the middle of the sea for as long as you can?

A kimono or a cool off-shoulder top with shorts is an excellent choice. If this is a style that resonates with your taste, it is a perfectly trendy look to pull off during a day cruise! It is not only comfortable but also sexy and well-suited to the place and event.

Cruise Socials

Cruise Socials

If you have planned out a yacht cruise vacation, you certainly wouldn’t want to spend hours staring at the waves. There are several social events that passengers can sail to when on yacht tours.

You neither want to look too shabby in your comfort clothes nor too over the top with a formal dress and a chignon!

The key is to pull off a balanced look that makes you look perfect for the event. A good choice would be a long dress belted at the waist with a long slit paired with a hat.

Fancy Evenings

Fancy Evenings

When it comes to cruise weddings or formal events hosted on a luxury yacht charter, the venue, arrangements and extent of preparation knows no bounds.

Don’t be under the impression that extravagance is spared at cruise parties! If you have not attended one before, you’ll love the unique experience.

If it is a ceremony celebrating the exchange of vows, you need to doubtlessly go with evening formal wear that is fancy enough for the event.

If not a wedding reception, the event could be anything from a graduation celebration to a bachelorette party or even a birthday. Depending on the scale of the event, it is important to pick out suitable attire for the event.

The safest shot to play is a jacket, on top of pants and a button down for men and a mid-length evening dress for women. Nothing as fancy as a full dress with a tail or a three-piece suit adorned with a pocket square and tie pin.

If you have all your dresses picked out but not a cruise, book it now with Cabo Yacht World!

We offer an exquisite yacht charter in Cabo San Lucas that will leave you with plenty of amazing memories. Our yachts are created for comfort and feature deluxe suites and beautiful decks for the perfect cruising experience!

Contact now to get on board!

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