The Hidden Benefits of Responsible Whale Watching in Cabo San Lucas

You haven’t seen the best of Mexico if you haven’t visited the luxurious beaches of Cabo San Lucas for a whale watching tour.

Humpback and Gray whales migrate to the seas of Cabo San Lucas during November and April to give birth. They stay until the baby whales are ready to migrate again, this time to cooler temperatures. Until they do, there are frequent whale sightings along the perimeters of this area.

What is responsible whale watching?

Whale watching is no doubt an unforgettable experience that you may get to experience just once in your life. The feeling of watching a whale jump out of the water and dive back in as the splashes of water hit you, is indescribable. Some are even fortunate enough to sight baby whales when they come up to take their first breath.

responsible whale watching

But what is responsible whale watching?

Watching whales in the wild is a better practice as opposed to witnessing them in captivity. Captivity is harmful for all sea animals and should be discouraged because it can be very detrimental to the ecosystem of the ocean.

Here are some benefits of participating in responsible whale watching:

Promotes conservation of the environment

You will be engaging in environmentally-friendly behavior, which will set a good example for the people you interact with. The onus of protecting the environment is on each one of us and we should try to inculcate behaviors which reflect these values. Whales are an extremely important part of the ecosystem and it’s our job that we respect their space and cause minimal disturbances to them and their environment.

Abide by the law

There are certain laws that regulate how close you can get to whales on a tour and how to interact with them. In the U.S there is even a Mammal Protection Act which considers behaviors like intentionally alerting a whale as harassment. Doing so is illegal as it can cause the whale to alter its behavior.

Once in a life time opportunity

Responsible whale watching can give you the chance to observe some of the rarest moments in the animal kingdom, which not everyone will be able to experience. When you watch whales in their natural habitat, you not only get to see the majestic beauty in person, but you can also listen to the sound of the whales, which is a concert in itself.

At Cabo Yacht World, we make these magical moments possible for you. We offer luxury whale watching charters and private whale watching tours in Cabo San Lucas. For more information, you can visit our website.

Contact us here.

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