Overcoming Sea Sickness: What To Do

Sea sickness while on a yacht can ruin the perfect vacation you’d been planning for months. Symptoms including nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps can become even more prevalent for those who struggle with motion sickness. Children and young women are more susceptible to sea sickness than men and elderly people. Children under 2 years of age, on the other hand, are completely immune to it.

If you feel that you might have sea sickness, then these tips can be very helpful for you.

Get Some Air

If you start feeling dizzy or nauseous while on a yacht, then head out to the deck immediately. The fresh air and cool winds will help dry the sweat off, decreasing your body temperature. Take deep breaths to calm down and relax.

Keeping your eyes on the horizon also helps in alleviating nausea. Your physical movement and senses get disoriented, resulting in motion sickness. The disorientation causes the body to lose its balance, leading to nausea and vomiting.

It has long been advised by mariners to keep staring at the horizon if you start getting symptoms of sea sickness. A steady focal point helps in orienting the senses and restoring your balance.

Try Natural Remedies

If you don’t want to take pills or forgot them at home, don’t worry; there are a lot of other ways to relieve seasickness. Sipping ginger ale or chewing on a piece of ginger can be very helpful. In addition to this, aromatherapy helps as well. Scents like lavender and peppermint help in calming your senses, as does focusing on your breathing, when feeling nauseous.

Stay in the Middle

If you feel sea sick, stay away from the edges of the yacht. Head to the middle part which experiences the least turbulence and swinging.


Acupressure has been used for centuries to treat various kinds of ailments. For sea sickness, pressing certain pressure points on your wrist is very helpful.

Wear a tight wrist band to apply pressure on your wrist. If you don’t have one, then use your opposite thumb to press your wrist for relief.


Choosing to cruise in calmer waters is also an integral part of avoiding sea sickness. Charter a yacht with Cabo Yacht World, to cruise in the calm seas of Cabo San Lucas. Call us at 011 521 624 168 9544 to plan your holiday getaway.

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