Safe Fishing: All You Need to Know!


If you’re looking for a fun and exciting sport, we suggest you give fishing a shot! It’s a relatively easy sport that can be learned quickly with just a little effort.

But a slight word of caution—every sport has a dangerous side to it, and without proper safety measures, even sportfishing can pose a threat.

After all, you are dealing with nature. At Cabo Yacht World, we encourage safe fishing because we care about you! Here are some tips that you may find useful:

Consider the Rules of the Sport

You may have heard the expression, ‘Rules are meant to be broken,’ but that doesn’t apply to fishing. Fishing experts advise people to take a look at the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS)—these are on the US Coast Guard Navigation Center website. The rules help you understand how to behave while at sea when another boat is approaching yours, for instance. This way, you’ll be prepared to pursue the sport in a safe manner.

Consider the Weather Before Heading Out

Going fishing involves having to deal with external, uncontrollable, factors. You never know when the weather will take an unexpected turn; powerful, angry, waves can be very dangerous, even fatal at times!

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that rip currents are responsible for over 80% of lifeguard rescues in the US. It also states that more than a hundred people drown every year because of this oceanic phenomenon. So taking the weather into account before setting out is non-negotiable!

Know Your Limits and Stay Vigilant

Identifying your limits is an important part of staying and keeping others safe. If you fail to do so, you might find yourself in serious danger.

Experiencing fatigue and hypothermia are examples of this. Keeping your best interests at heart, we can’t emphasize enough how important it is that you avoid doing that.

You should also practice vigilance while you’re surrounded by water. A little alertness can go a long way; after all, you’re at the mercy of nature. Keep an eye out for any potential dangers in the water or the skies. You might also want to be a little extra careful around sharp equipment, so nobody gets hurt.

For the best and safest fishing experience, book our fishing charter in Cabo! Equipped with all amenities, our yachts such as Charter Azimut 38 Fly boats are perfect for the ideal fishing adventure. Contact us for more information.

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