Saving the Ecosystem: 3 Good Reasons to Protect Whales

Killing whales for food is not a new phenomenon, as it has been happening for millennia’s now. In the 20th century alone, around three million whales were killed. During this time, commercial whaling also started to increase, and whales started to be used for profitable reasons.

Not only are whales extremely important for our oceans, they are also slow-growing creatures that are more vulnerable to over-fishing than genuine fish species that are present in  abundance. Whales have a vital role in the food chain and help balance the marine ecosystem as well. Found in all of the earth’s oceans, they occupy the top of the food pyramid.

Below we will discuss some reasons why you should protect whales:

1. “Whale fall”

Past research has found that even long after their natural deaths, whales support numerous amounts of oceanic species. This phenomenon is formerly known as “whale fall.” Here, their carcasses sink to the bottom of the seafloor, and provide a rich abundance of valuable nutrients that help uphold marine life.

As carcasses sink, they feed about 400 species of fish as they are sustained by the essential nutrients and habitat they provide. In fact, they can save sea-life for decades on end.

2. Whales and the environment

Whales play an extremely important role in the environment and the ocean’s ecosystem as a whole. Whales regulate the normal flow of food as they help to conserve a stable food chain. They also ensure that certain animal species don’t overcrowd the oceans.

Blue whales for instance, have the ability to consume about 40 million krill a day. This signifies the impact they have when it comes to balancing the marine ecosystem. Whale poop also plays an important role as it stabilizes the release of carbon in our atmosphere and this in turn, makes for a healthier environment.

3. Tourism

Whale watching has become a popular activity worldwide and a major contributor to tourism. People travel far distances just to get a quick glance of these majestic creatures, and billions of dollars have been spent regulating this activity on a larger scale.

The rising demand for whale watching has become a vital factor for economies seeking to magnify their global presence and attract foreigners into their nations. The billions of dollar earned by whale watching can be spent on other social and economic areas of a country.

We at Cabo Yacht World offer private boats for whale watching in Cabo San Lucas. Our fleet of luxury yachts is fully equipped with modern amenities. For more information, call us now at 624 168 9544!

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