What Should You Pack When Sailing?

Sailing is a fun and new adventure for those who haven’t yet tried it. It’s a relaxing getaway that allows you to take in the stunning view of the ocean and appreciate all that you have.

Sailing trips are the perfect quick getaway to take when you’re feeling run down by life and generally uninspired. If this is your first time on a yacht, here are some things to pack when going on a sailing trip:

Motion sickness medication

If it’s your first time on the water, it’s probably best to take all the necessary precaution to ensure the trip is as comfortable for you as possible. We recommend our guests to carry along motion sickness medication to relieve the queasiness they feel when the boat begins to rock due to the waves.

Motion sickness pills can easily be bought over the counter. Make sure you have it in advance before getting onto the yacht and don’t forget to have another dose when you feel the effects of it wearing off. To help with nausea, you could also go the natural route and pack some essential oils like peppermint oil, lemon oil, or lavender oil.


Depending on how much time you plan on spending on the boat, carrying along a couple of outfit changes is a good idea. You may want to swim in the water or just get sweaty under the golden Cabo sun. Pack breezy and lightweight clothing that won’t take much room, don’t forget your swimming gear, goggles, etc., and absorbent towels to dry off.

Hygiene products

Cabo is known for its warm weather; if you’re not used to being in the warm sun, you’re going to need some hygiene products to keep you fresh all day. Pack deodorants and wipes to refresh yourself whenever needed.

Sunscreen is a must when in Cabo. The warm sun increases your risk of getting burnt. Not only is that painful when it peels, but it’s also dangerous for your skin. Direct sun exposure is known to cause skin cancer. Did you know that having 5 or more sunburns doubles your risk for melanoma? Pack a good-quality sunscreen and reapply after every couple of hours for maximum protection against the sun.

Convenience items

You might be short on power supply outlets when on a yacht. Don’t forget to charge your cell phones, cameras, laptops, tablet, and other battery-powered items you might have. Take along a battery pack if you use your phone a lot or you’re going to take stunning pictures.

Charter a stunning yacht from us at Cabo Yacht World and have the experience of a lifetime! Our fleet includes the 60 ft. Rio rentals and the 55 foot azimut Cabo.

Contact us at 011 521 624 168 9544 for more information.

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